Wednesday 7 November 2012

Evaluation on Web Design

During my college course activity we have been asked to go through an Adobe Tutorial on how to make a web page that can be accessible through any web browser such as safari for MAC users and internet explorer and more for PC users. We followed a step by step guide which instructed us on how to make a website. We were then given a folder with with all the pictures used to create the website in an embedded folder.

Throughout this tutorial I have learnt many new skills and techniques such as a basic understanding of how to use Adobe Dreamweaver both using the design and code view. If I was to apply for a job in web design the skills I have learnt on how to make a websites through CSS would be more greater than someone who makes websites from templates. With these skills it has helped me feel more confident in creating websites. It has also helped me gain a simple understanding on how websites are formed from scratch and has helped me understand the software a bit more than before when I started the tutorial.

The point of this tutorial is to show that i can follow instructions well and to a set deadline, it is also to see if i can produce a good quality piece of work/website where everything can function properly and correctly. The skills i have learnt from this could easily aid me in the future when i want to apply for a job that includes web design and could give me an advantage over other applicants when i have the experience in coding and making a website when other wouldn't have the knowledge. It can also give me a good head start and also my employers saving them time in educating me and training me in the simple use of Dreamweaver and other similar webpage making programs.

Throughout the tutorial i ran into many problems. Mostly some to do with coding and other parts were to do with the design itself. This is simply because i found the tutorial to be complicated and very confusing in some parts and it would not do as it should have (through no fault of my own) but at the time this was very frustrating and took its toll on my capabilities and put a great strain on my concentration on getting the web page completed in time.

Most of the tutorial was hard to understand but after a few steps in i quickly got used to it and began to work quicker through it.

When the tutorial got difficult to understand i took my time to read through it a few times just to make sure i completely understood what it was asking me to do, then I would follow it word for word until the step was properly completed.

The only way I think I can properly analyse and overcome these problems that I regularly face whilst using Dreamweaver is to get a more of a developed understanding on how Dreamweaver actually works and to learn how to use it on an intermediate level not just following steps. This should enable me to learn for myself and learn how to overcome certain problems without the help of a tutor to guide me through out the procedure. This will help me later in life when I come to design a website of my own or for a company if I wished to create one. A way to improve would read up on some more techniques and tutorials to familiarize myself more with the coding and design view in the program, another way would be trial and error, just to try a few ways to experiment and see what happens and then I can also learn different techniques that way as well.

Through out the Tutorial I completed the task then I had to make my own site. When making my own site it was more challenging as I had to create my own design. I found this very challenging but managed to pull it off. Being very basic I did how ever manage to change the font, font size, and align the sites menu bar to the center. Although the website is basic I spent much more of my time having to work on the Tutorial which I found challenging.When I had to finish off my website I only managed to achieve just a homepage which was not properly finished. I am glad how ever I still have an operational site with the clickable menu bar and able to view my site on a URL which was a success on my behalf.

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